Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid yet another significant milestone for ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ by launching the multi-modal master plan. The ambitious GatiShakti plan envisages a centralised portal to unite the infrastructural initiatives planned and initiated by as many as 16 central ministries and departments. The plan has been envisioned by Prime Minister to lend more speed (Gati) and power (Shakti) to projects by connecting all concerned departments on one platform. Through this, the infrastructure schemes of various ministries and state governments would be designed and executed with a common vision.
PM GatiShakti plan is aimed to cut logistic costs, increase cargo handling capacity and reduce the turnaround time. This plan would be providing infrastructure creation a new direction and also enable a better pace to existing projects. During the launch ceremony, PM mentioned that ” taxpayers’ money in the past was insulted through a lethargic approach to development work, with departments working in silos and there was no coordination on projects.” Gat Shakti plan is all set to change this approach.