
About Us
IndiGlobal Media Network is a modern and comprehensive media research company.
We believe in fostering vibrant and healthy medium of information and convergence of ideas in our free society. We keep pace with the rapidly changing information environment so that the current and future leaders of our society can engage in meaningful sharing of information. We enable them to interact, engage and express like never before.
India has come a long way since 1991 when the country embraced privatization and today has integrated with the global economy. India is making rapid strides and is creating a name for itself in the comity of nations. Communication and dialogue among the stakeholders are paramount. We bring all on to a single platform.
IndiGlobal Media Network aims to forge a network among communities promoting technology, innovation, collaboration, and best practices in different verticals.
The verticals include Governance, Education & Skill, Healthcare & Well Being, Energy, Smart Cities, Sustainable Urban Development, Environment, Start-Ups Etc.
What We Do
We offer a bouquet of services and products that include
  • News & Publication
  • Knowledge Consultancy
  • Periodicals
  • Information & Strategic Conference Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Customized Campaigns
  • Market & Research Survey

Headquartered in the capital city Hyderabad of Telangana, IndiGlobal Media Network has regional offices with its presence across the country.


Sudheer Goutham has a demonstrated history of working in the media production industry for close to one-and-a-half decades. He has been associated with media companies of repute like Network 18, The New Indian Express, Deccan Chronicle, The Hans India, Elets Technomedia Pvt Ltd and APAC News Network.

IndiGlobal is driven by Sudheer’s vision of “Taking Innovation, Collaboration and Growth to the Forefront."
It is emerging as one of the finest strategic knowledge consultants of India enabling experts and leaders to interact, engage and express. It provides a platform of free-flowing communication to leaders through conferences so that there is convergence of wide areas of ideas and opinions for stronger and successful society and better nation building.