PM Narendra Modi announced the rollout of Pradhan Mantri National Digital Health Mission (PM-DHM) today. This mission has been rolled out to leverage technology to improve accessibility towards healthcare and open doors for new innovation in the healthcare sector. It is a scheme that enables Indians to create and access their digital health records. Every Indian will soon be getting a unique 14-digit health identification (ID) number through which there will be continuity of treatment and patient history leading to efficiency in healthcare. Doctors would be able get complete patient record through the unique ID upon patient’s consent and make quick and accurate diagnosis.
PM-DHM is an integral part of Arogya Manthan 3.0 – third anniversary celebration of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY). The theme of ‘Arogya Manthan 3.0′ has been Service and Excellence’. The event was observed between September 23 to 25 and has been followed by today’s valedictory session and national rollout of ‘Pradhan Mantri Digital Health Mission’ (PM-DHM).