IMA demands De-Criminalisation of Medical Profession

There is uproar in the country for Dr Archana Sharma booked for ‘murder’ for a complicated birthing which was the cause of her suicide.

Based in Rajasthan, the late Dr Sharma carried out a complicated surgery but the relatives created a ruckus and booked a case against her for murder.

Dr Sharma and her husband Dr Suneet Upadhaya were booked by the Rajasthan police. Unable to take the pressure and threats from local goons and politicians Dr Sharma took the extreme step of committing suicide.

Another case that is baffling the medical fraternity is the transfer of the medical superintendent of MGM Hospital Warangal Dr Srinivas Rao and two duty doctors Dr Abdullah Abeed and Dr B Yakub Naik due to rodent menace in the hospital.

Indian Medical Association Banjara Hills President Dr Prabhu Kumar C says, “These cases are unnecessary harassment of doctors. There are political intentions involved which led to the instigation of family members and the suicide of Dr Sharma in Rajasthan. First the police have no right to book a case of murder against the doctor. We have asked all doctors to register with IMA and approach the senior members when they are threatened or blackmailed by anti-social elements.”

It has been noted that both young and senior doctors do not register with IMA and when they are in trouble they do not know whom to approach. Due to this reason, it is believed that they are cornered and unable to seek help from the fraternity.

Dr Prabhu says, “For any complaint by patients or their relatives, there is an ethics committee formed by the state governments. These complaints can be registered there and accordingly, action will be taken after proper investigation.”

Death of Dr Sharma by suicide and unwarranted transfer and suspension of doctors has shaken the community as it brings to light many factors:

1)    Inability of doctors to take the pressure from relatives and anti-social elements.

2)  Constant verbal attacks and threats to doctors and their family members lead to stress and fear.

3)  Garnering support takes time and getting appropriate help to counter these allegations requires handling by a team of experts.

4)   Police action or cases of negligence or murder can be legally handled

5)   Doctors must not be made responsible for hospital administration issues as there are agencies appointed to deal with them.

Dr Shantha Kumari, president and Dr Madhuri Patel, secretary general of the Federation of Gynaecologists and Obstetrics visited Rajasthan along with senior members of the Indian Medical Association and protested against this treatment to doctors.

Dr Ravi Wankhedkar, a senior member of IMA says, “We need strong central legislation for protecting the healthcare givers. This includes the de-criminalization of the medical profession. We want this legislation to be implemented as the tragic case of Dr Sharma shows that the pressure on doctors is very high and anti-social elements can also drive them to the edge.”