Ganesh pandal visit prohibited in Maharashtra due to Covid

Maharastra Government has decided not to allow visitors to pandals on Ganesh Mahotsav in view of the coronavirus pandemic this year too.

There would be facilities like online darshan or telecast from pandals so that people do not miss out glimpses of Ganesha. As per a previous circular, people of Maharashtra were informed that social distancing must be followed strictly inside the pandals during the Ganesh festival. The new circular comes after an afterthought and completely prohibits people from visiting any Ganesh pandal.

The festivities begin from September 10. The auspicious Hindu festival, Ganesh Mahotsav is celebrated each year for 10-11 days. Since fear of Covid is still looming on our heads, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated with restrictions like last year in many parts of the country including Maharashtra where it has been celebrated with greater pomp and show since times immemorial.