FOGSI to create awareness on Vitamin D deficiency

IndiGlobal Media Bureau

Do you know muscle and bone pain is also due to Vitamin D deficiency?

Fatigue and All Time Feeling Tired are two most common symptoms but they are not identified as the vitamin D testing is very limited.

Women particularly are suffering more as they are all the time at home and not exposed to sunlight.

Given these increasing problems, Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India has taken up the initiative of increasing awareness on Vitamin D as that is the key to improving Women’s Health.

Well-being of women and immunity is vital for robust healthcare. In the last one decade it has been noted that this silent ailment of Vitamin D deficiency is one of the reasons for increasing health problems.

It has been noted that in diagnosed women 50 percent of them report of less than the approved levels of Vitamin D.

This silent epidemic requires awareness and also the easy solution of exposing skin to sunlight is important.

Dr Shanta Kumari, president of FOGSI says, “In Women’s Health we have realized that there is a deficiency of micro and macro nutrients. While the most common problem noted is anaemia. There is Vitamin D deficiency too which is affecting the metabolic process. It has been noted that Covid 19 has also aggravated the problem in the population and women are the silent sufferers as often they are not aware. With health now a concern for all, this major aspect must be looked into and dealt with scientifically.”

What are the foods that provide Vitamin D?

  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Bananas
  • Egg Yolks
  • Salmon
  • Oranges
  • Walnuts
  • Peanuts
  • Cheese
  • Milk
  • Yogurt

What is the best source of Vitamin D in urban areas?

Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. It is the skin that absorbs the sunlight and makes this fat-soluble vitamin in the body. The best time according to several studies is mid-day or noon when the heat is intense and in less time the skin is able to absorb and synthesize the vitamin.

What needs to be noted is that maximum skin exposure in terms of hands, legs and face is considered adequate.