Bone Health Affects The Quality of Life

Dr. Veerendra Mudnoor, Consultant Joint Replacement, and Arthroscopy Surgeon, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Hyderabad talks about the Early Warning Signs of Osteoporosis.

Bones are very strong and they constantly break down and rebuild. Breaking down of the bone tissue goes on till the early 20’s in the human body. With age, this process slows down.

Old bone tissues degrade faster and become thin and fragile leading to the medical condition called osteoporosis.

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes bones to thin, weaken and become more brittle. This increases the risk of bone fractures.

To stay healthy and fit it is important to recognize the early warning signs:

Receding Gums – Teeth are usually attached to the jawbone, and once the jawbone begins to thin, one may notice receding gums as well. Jaw bone erosion has been linked to decreasing bone density in the lower spine vertebrae in women’s surveys.

Decreasing Grip Strength – Good grip, balance, and muscle strength is essential for preventing falls, especially among older humans. Researchers discovered a relationship between weak handgrip strength and low bone mineral density in a study of postmenopausal women hinting at overall bone mineral density. Also, decreased grip strength might increase the chance of falling. When a person’s handgrip loosens, it can be a sign to consider.

Cramps and Pains – Muscle cramps and aches are a common, yet frequently neglected, an early indication of osteoporosis. It denotes a significant deficiency in Vitamin D, the most critical bone builder. A variety of factors can cause leg and foot cramps. However, cramps that occur at night are frequently indicative of low calcium, magnesium, and/or potassium levels in the blood. An excessive bone loss might develop if this scenario persists for an extended period.

Height Reduction – Certain bodily changes are early indicators of osteoporosis. One of the most noticeable signs is loss of height. If individuals have a height loss of more than two inches or a curvature in the spine that has been detected by an orthopedic, one is in the risk zone for osteoporosis. It means that the illness has already affected one’s vertebrae.

Brittle Fingernails – According to the orthopedic, nail bone health is closely tied to bone density. Weak fingernails that frequently break after a hand wash or other manual activities might indicate a decrease in bone density. The strength of one’s nails might indicate the health of one’s bones. However, additional variables that may impact the nails should be considered, such as exposure to extremely hot or cold temperatures, regular use of nail paint remover or acrylic nails, or prolonged immersion in water.

Posture: The way a person stands, walks and sits also is an indication of osteoporosis. If this posture is noticed for a long period of time it is important to get bone mass evaluated.

How to avoid this condition?

  1. Frequent exercises – walks, yoga, aerobics, strength, and functional training depending on your weight and also the density of your bones.
  2. Eating a balanced and healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamins
  3. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
  4. Take medicines only from experts to assist in bone mass formation which differs from one human body to another.
  5. Medicines have hormonal effects, increasing or acting similarly to estrogen, especially in menopausal women.

Bone health affects the quality of life and there are simple techniques to determine the bone mass in older adults. Identifying early helps in early correction and there are simple lifestyle changes that assist in regeneration.