CH Amarender Reddy, Project Director, Solar Energy, TSREDCO
It is on rare occasions that a Union Minister heaps praise on state initiatives but earlier this year, in the month of August to be precise, the Union Minister of State for New and Renewable Energy Bhagwanth Khuba appreciated the efforts of Telangana in the renewable energy space. The state is developing and is going to achieve its target, said the Minister. He was speaking at a stakeholder interaction oranised by National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) and Telangana Solar Energy Association (T-SEA).
Telangana has been making rapid strides to achieve the target set under the National Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission which has an objective to maximize generation of power from solar energy. The Prime Minister announced 450GW from Renewables and 100 GW alone from solar by 2022 and extended the capacity from 100 GW to 450 GW by 2030.
The following factors will make Telangana suitable for installing Solar Power Projects:
- Availability of about 300 sunny days in a year with solar insolation of 5.5 to 6 kWh/m².
- Availability of Solar module manufacturing industries in the State – in FABCITY, Hyderabad.
- Availability of widespread electric grid network, which facilitate Projects with easy connectivity.
- Growing energy demand in the State.
Promotion of Solar Power Generation will help Telangana state to achieve energy security and create direct and indirect employment potential.
Solar Power Policy – 2015
The Government has announced ‘Solar Power Policy – 2015’ to encourage generation of solar power in the State by various means viz; captive use, third party sale and sale to DISCOMs at average service & pooled purchase cost w.e.f.01.06.2015. The following are the incentives announced under the policy for promotion of Solar Power projects:
a. Exemption of wheeling and transmission charges, cross subsidy charges, electricity duty in case of captive use / third party sale.
b. VAT for all inputs required for Solar Power projects will be refunded by Commercial Tax Department.
c. Refund of stamp duty and registration charges for purchase of land for setting up of Solar Power projects.
3976.53 MW capacity Solar Power projects have been commissioned in Telangana State as on 31.10.2021 which includes Ground mounted, solar net metering and Solar off Grid projects
Solar Roof Top PV Systems and Net Metering Policy
The Government has announced policy on net metering for Solar Grid interactive roof-top and Small PV Power Plants. The Government has announced the policy for encouraging Solar Power production and the Net metering facility is provided to the consumers to generate Solar Power for self-consumption and feeding excess power into the grid when it is not being consumed by them.
- So far 205.69 MW capacity grid connected solar roof top systems have been installed under various schemes.
- MNRE has communicated sanction for installation of 25 MW for TSSPDCL (20 MW) and TSNPDCL (5 MW) under various schemes at individuals, society buildings.
Highlights of the Programme:
- Under this option the developer will construct the solar plant on the rooftop of the existing buildings
- The maximum capacity under net metering will be only 1 MW subject to the availability of Transformer and load sanctioned to the consumer
- Net metering approvals are required from respective DISCOM
- No cross Subsidy, wheeling charges and losses are applicable
- Banking facility is applicable
- Hence the power can be injected into grid in a day time and can be consumed during night time also
- The plant will be commissioned under the supervision of TSDISCOMS & TSREDCO
MNRE Subsidy Details:
- For Domestic sector – 40% of benchmark cost or finalized price for 1 to 3 kW and
- 20% subsidy for above 3 kW up to 10 kW systems
- For the Group houses up to 500 kW @ 20% of benchmark or tendered price.
Telangana has been making rapid strides to achieve the target set under the National Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission which has an objective to maximize generation of power from solar energy
Solar off Grid Programme
- Under Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission, MNRE, Govt of India New Delhi is promoting off- grid Solar power plants of smaller size capacities under project mode for individual/ Community/ Institutional/ Industries. Various capacities of Off- grid Solar Photovoltaic power plants up to a maximum of 500 kWp per site
- A Solar Photovoltaic power plant is a decentralized system consists of Solar Photovoltaic modules, Inverter, Battery bank with suitable Electronics to generate electricity / power to meet/ supplement lighting and other applications.
- So far 7.00 MW capacity off-grid solar power systems for individual houses, institutions & SC- ST Hostels were commissioned in Telangana State.
Solar water heating systems
A Solar Water Heater is a device which provides hot water for bathing, washing, cleaning and Industrial applications using Solar Energy. Two types of Solar Water Heaters are available, one based on flat plate collectors and the other based on Evacuated tube collectors. Cost of solar water heater depends on size and type of system installed.
Smallest size of a system is 100 liter per day that means it can deliver 100 liters of hot water in a day at 600 C which can serve for a family of 3-4 members and saves up to 1500 units of electricity in a year.
TSREDCO is undertaking wide awareness campaign on usage of solar water heaters with cost and subsidy details of MNRE to conserve the electricity by way utilizing the solar energy for heating the water for bathing and other purposes.
Cumulative achievements:
1. Solar water heating systems : 9,36,906 LPD
2. Solar rooftop PV projects : 205.69 MW
3. Solar Off Grid projects : 07.00 MW
PM – KUSUM Scheme
Government of India, MNRE has issued guide lines vide ref. no.F.No.32/645/2017-SPV Division, date: 22.07.2019.
The KUSUM Scheme consists of 3 components.
- Component – A: setting up of 10,000 MW of Decentralized Ground / stilt Mounted Grid Connected solar (or) other Renewable based power plants setting up of plants from 500 kW to 2 MW will be set up. PPA will be with DISCOM.
- Component – B: Installation of 17.50 lakh standalone Solar Agriculture Pumps, this will be implemented on full-fledged basis.
- Component -C: Solarisation of 10 Lakh Grid-connected Agriculture Pumps. This will be executed on pilot basis for 1.0 lakh pumps.
- The state government has to nominate implementing agency in their respective states.
- Government of Telangana has nominated TSREDCO as the implementing agency and Single Window Mechanism for the Component A.
- Under this Programme, MNRE, GoI has allotted the following schemes to Telangana state under Component A – 500 MW of small Solar grid connected power projects from 500 kW to max. of 2000 kW.
- State Level Committee is constituted for formulating Guidelines and modalities for implementation of Component A under PM KUSUM scheme.
- The State Level Committee Meeting was held on 01.11.2021 for finalizing the modalities and guidelines on implementation of Component A under PM KUSUM scheme with Pre Fixed LevalizedTarrif of Rs.3.13/- per Unit Flat Rate.
- As per the decision of Committee, Clarification and Amendment was requested from MNRE on classification of Activity by Farmers/RPG and Time extension for payments to Farmers/EPC, Secretary, Agl Co-Op Dept and SLBC for acquiring the certain Clarifications on Component A under PMKUSUM Scheme and waiting for reply.
- Letters addressed to CMD’s of TSDISCOM’s requesting for Submission of Finalized List of 33/11 Kv (TSSPDCL-150 No’s and TSNPDCL -100 No’s) Sub Stations in Descending order of Agl Load upto 200 Amps.
- The Committee had concluded and formulated the predetermined TimeLine to accomplish the Scheme and call for EOI for empanelment of Vendors for execution of PM-KUSUM Plant.