Technology Needs More Women in Leadership Roles

Kaniza GarariĀ 
IndiGlobal Media Network

Computer Science is the most sought-after subject in Engineering Colleges and it has been found that women top these courses but do they really make an impact when in work force.

At the entry level, the number of women engineers is very high but when it comes to middle and senior management in the workĀ  force only a few are visible. While the Pandemic has shown that Work from Home is possible will it continue or will that benefit be provided to women when they are going through their stages of motherhood?

Anjali Balagoapal, General Counsel, Tata Technologies talks toĀ IndiGlobal Media NetworkĀ on the need for women to change their perspective on leadership roles and believe that they too can shoulder it.

  1. Pandemic has taught one and all that Work-from-Home is possible and it did give leeway to many women to continue their work. How do you see it now?

Ans. Pandemic has made the corporate world and organizations adapt to the new work environments and flexibility has been one aspect that has been noted across all levels. Leadership teams have provided flexibility to employees. There is a lot of empathy with which we now see the situation. It has also taught management teams lessons in remote management and providing the best. There has been a major shift in the mindset in work from home which is no longer a taboo. Organizations are adapting to flexibility and empathy in the service industry as the workforce is your asset. There is a lot of empathy aspect irrespective of gender.

Q Does this mean that the option of Work from Home will be provided?

Ans. A hybrid work environment is now going to be a part of work policy and there are discussions in different companies on how this must be modeled. Tata Technologies has reviewed the nature of work and those who need to work from the office based on their profile will be called back to work. Hybrid work environment is definitely what we will see across different organizations.

Q It has been noted that girl students score highest in computer science but when it comes to work place environments they are not seen in large numbers? What are the reasons?

Ans. This is true and there are a variety of reasons for this. There is a wrong notion that technology is a male-dominated sector. Awareness about technology and STEM is lower and this needs to improve in the female population in the country. There is a bias in society towards technology and that needs to change. While organizations are driving the change and working towards gender equality. We need to have more women in leadership roles. What has been noted is that at the entry-level there are lots of young female employees but they are not there in the middle and senior levels. One of the reasons which we at Tata Technologies have identified is that there must be more female mentors. When there are female leaders there are more women who are working with them. There is a need to have more role models in the technology sector. When there will be more women leaders, the negative bias will be done away with. Companies are working towards this and there are efforts to have more of them in the different leadership teams. Women must be willing to take up these leadership roles and adapt to them.

Q How are companies evolving their strategy when women want to take leave for motherhood?

Ans. There are two aspects to this:

  • A change in societal mindset as it is always considered that motherhood means that women are the primary caregiver for the child and family.
  • Companies providing flexibility to women during their motherhood.
  • The negative bias that women carry that they cannot do it, will not be allowed, or are not having enough support must go.
  • Women must have the right mentors in companies that will guide them during these times. They have to take decisions that seem risky. Grabbing the opportunity when it knocks must be the attitude that they must inculcate.
  1. How do women deal with pressure in the technology sector?

Ans. Women have to change the way they look at the sector. The negative bias that they have towards odd working hours, challenging job situations must be done away with. Many times, society does not encourage them as they believe that women have to wear multiple hats and are not meant for these challenging roles. To do away with this, it is important to create awareness and women must not fear trying anything new.

Q What has been your experience in the technology sector? With the leadership role, what is the advice you would give to your female co-workers?

Ans. Technology and STEM Industry has evolved. It is no longer computer programming or coding. Technology is now a part of our daily lives. The opportunities have expanded and there is more awareness now. I would say that encouraging girls to take up technology as a profession and pursue their own and create an eco-system to support them will help. At the same time, it is important to stay true to yourself and understand your strengths. It is important that you have good mentors and also learn new things, update and upskill yourself. Hard work is the key to success and that holds true in this sector too.