Re Sustainability and Dadu’s Sweets to drive public awareness of Recycling

  • ReSL and Dadu’s Sweets have joined forces to establish a benchmark for the effective and sustainable management of waste, with the primary objective of advocating sustainable practices and fostering responsible recycling throughout the year.
  • Kiosks have been strategically deployed by Re Sustainability outside each Dadu’s store, facilitating the collection of sweet boxes that will be sent to recycling centers. As an incentive to encourage responsible environmental actions, customers are offered a 10% discount when participating in this #GreenTransformation.
  • According to an Oxford Economics and SAP study, “There is a gap between awareness and action, with only 48% of Indian businesses reporting that they have made significant progress on their sustainability goals.”

IndiGlobal Bureau

Re Sustainability and Dadu’s Sweets have joined hands in a highly impactful campaign. In the spirit of World Environment Day and with the Indian ideology of ‘kuch mitha ho jaye’ at heart, small kiosks have been set up in front of Dadu’s outlets across Hyderabad and Pune. These kiosks are set up to collect sweet boxes from customers that will be sent to recycling centers. As a token of appreciation, customers will be offered a 10% discount on any of their purchases from Dadu’s!

“I am delighted and privileged to witness the positive impact generated by our responsible recycling efforts. As we collect each box deposited at the designated kiosks, we take pride in responsibly recycling them. The environmental benefits of this campaign are substantial, with every ton of recycled boxes leading to the preservation of 17 trees, the conservation of 1,450 liters of oil, the safeguarding of 26,500 liters of water, and the avoidance of over 4,000 units of electricity consumption. Our commitment to sustainable practices mitigates waste and contributes significantly to our environment’s well-being. It is truly gratifying to be part of a campaign that brings about such tangible benefits and promotes a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.” said Mr. Masood Mallick, CEO of Re Sustainability.

“We are in the business of creating celebrations and while it is heart-warming to see the innumerable smiles that our boxes create, it is also upsetting to know that they are simply thrown away after use adding to the waste in the world. This initiative is our attempt to close the loop, give back to the environment that we take so much from, and do our bit towards a better tomorrow. We invite all our patrons so step forward and make their contribution, at kiosks installed across the city at our eight locations and avail a 10% discount as a Thank You from us!” – Mr. Rajesh Dadu, Managing Director, Dadu’s Sweets

Leaving no ecological footprint, Dadu’s Sweets and ReSL engage in symbolizing the conversion of waste into functional products as a powerful testament to the pioneering efforts. Their collective endeavor serves as a catalyst, inspiring a ‘Green Transformation’ that resonates with brands across industries, propelling them towards active participation in the pursuit of change and revolution. By embracing such sustainable practices, businesses can not only foster environmental consciousness but also drive meaningful impact, ultimately paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

Re Sustainability is India’s largest provider of urban and industrial sustainability solutions. Through its footprint of 85+ facilities in India, the company provides solutions such as resource recovery from waste, recycling, waste processing, wastewater treatment, and waste-to-energy solution.