While laying down the foundation stone of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh University in Aligarh, PM Modi said that India of the 21st century is correcting the mistakes of the 20th century. He said that double-engine government of Uttar Pradesh is setting example for others to emulate.
The university is being established in the honour of great freedom fighter, educationist and social reformer, Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh. The university will be spread over an area of 92 acres. It will be spread across Lodha village and Musepur Kareem Jarouli village of Kol tehsil in Aligarh. 395 colleges in the district will be provided affiliations.
While addressing the people in the event, the Prime Minister mentioned that people can learn the indomitable spirit and the vitality to fulfil dreams come what may from the way Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh had led his life. He further informed that Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh wanted nothing but to see an independent India and had thus devoted every moment of his life to this cause.
PM Modi said that several great personalities have given up everything for the freedom movement of India, However, it was the country’s misfortune that after independence, the next generations of the country were not made aware about the austerity of such personalities of national significance and hence many generations of the country got deprived of knowledge about them. “21st century India is correcting those mistakes of the 20th century,” said he in the national language.