Goa government has tied up with Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education of Central Government to plant five lakh trees. This tree plantation tie up has been done to compensate for the trees that had to be cut for the upcoming international airport project at Mopa plateau in North Goa. Trees will be planted surrounding the site of the airport.The tie-up has an agreement to not just plant but take future care of the planted trees.
The cost of upcoming airport at North Goa is estimated to be approximately 3 crores. It is a joint venture between GMR and the state government. The airport is being built under the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) model in a total of 4 phases. Its first phase will be complete by August 2022. 78.41 lakh square metres of land was acquired from villages of Casarvarnem, Chandel, Varconda, Uguem and Mopa in Pernem taluka for the purpose. A total of 54,176 trees had been cut at the Mopa plateau to make way for the aviation project.