Raj Kiran Bilolikar, Professor and Director, Centre for Energy Studies, Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad
The charm of energy conservation lies in making people conserve without actually knowing that they are. True energy conservation happens when it becomes second nature among the populace. When energy efficiency practices are followed set by the Government through Energy Conservation Building Code formulated in 2007 and revised in 2017 results in 30 to 35 percent savings in use of energy. Infosys at Pocharam in Hyderabad, for instance is a fine example. There are 430 buildings in Telangana that are in energy saving mode.
This can be achieved through Eco-Niwas Samita-Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings. Residential housing and commercial complexes is expected to witness a rise as Indian economy grows. In rural areas too people are moving from thatched roofs to cemented homes.
BEE has considered dignity housing by in bringing the Eco-Niwas Samita. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and the dignity homes of various stategovernments are leading to massive construction in the country. There is a need to convince the urban local body planners, road department and municipal corporations to inculcate these design changes and follow the Eco-Niwas Samitha.
There are different pillars for implementing these changes government departments, real estate, architects, civil engineers, material suppliers, labour and workers will also follow. When group housing societies follow these norms it will automatically percolate to the individual homes that are constructed. All stake holders need to be sensitized. Bureau of Energy Efficiency and state nodal agency TSREDCO are working very hard towards this end.
The Government of Telangana has shown leadership in ECBC implementation. And learnings from Telangana are adopted by other states in the country. One hopes Telangana will also lead in the Eco-Niwas Samitha and emerge as a leader in sustainable habitat.
Real estate developers like CREDAI Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India, Telangana State Real Estate Developers Association are always ahead to adopt these green practices in spite of market limitations. Telangana has a history of green buildings because of Indian Green Building Council from the year 2000 in Hyderabad.
Earlier the conventional methods had insulation, natural ventilation and cooling effect. We have to strictly implement the rules for the same.