Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan met Vice Chancellors of 45 Central Universities through video conference this month. Though he met Vice Chancellors last month as well, this time it has been the first formal meeting of the Education Minister with the Vice chancellors of Central Universities.
Agenda revolved around several key aspects including implementation of National Education Policy-2020, Multiple Entry-Exit System, Academic Bank of Credit, Open and On-line Education, Glue Grant for Education Institutions, Start of Academic Session 2021-22, and Filling up of the backlog vacancies of teachers of OBC, SC, ST, and EWS categories.
This has been a very important meeting for way forward in the education sector. Recently Pradhan launched National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 through a virtual press conference in Karnataka, setting an example for other states to follow. It was also announced during the virtual launch of NEP that Karnataka will be soon launching the research and development policy with the purpose to boost research and quality research practices in the state so that the country as a whole can benefit.