Innovation in Recycling
Recognizes initiatives that introduced innovative method to recycle platics, paper, glass and electronics.
Waste Reduction
Recognizes initiatives to minimize waste generation through product design and by way of campaigns
Circular Economy Leadership
Acknowledges leaders and organizations that implemented circular economy principles and used products for long periods through reuse, repair and recycling.
Community Engagement
Recognizes the efforts of communities in reducing waste, recycling activities and promoting environmental awareness
Waste to Energy Excellence
Awards projects that convert waste materials into usable energy such as biogas, electricity, while minimizing harm to environment.
E-Waste Management
Recognizes initiatives that have effectively managed electronic waste, including proper disposal and recycling of electronic devices.
Innovations in Hazardous
Waste Management Awards the efforts in introducing innovation in the handling, treating and disposal of hazardous waste materials in a safe manner.
Public/Private Partnership
Awards collaborations between public and private entities that have resulted in effective waste management solutions
Waste Management Advocacy
Recognizes individuals and organizations that have successfully advocated for improved waste management policies, regulations and practices at local, regional and national levels.
Young innovator in Waste Management
Recognizes young individuals who have shown innovation and dedication in the field of waste management
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