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Increased Problems of Digestive Tract: Post Covid-19

Kaniza Garari
IndiGlobal Media Network

Long Covid-19 in those suffering from problems in the digestive tract are on the rise. This is because India is now a westernized and developed country where the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease is on the rise.

Since 1995, the incidence of inflammatory bowel disease has been noted in the country and in the last two decades has seen a major rise.

What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

IBD is the inflammation of the gastric system which could be ulcers, sores and also damage to the lining of large intestine.

This is now a disease of concern in India as the incidence has seen a tremendous rise and after Covid 19 infection there is an increased burden of Long Covid.

Long Covid and IBD are presenting in two forms:

The digestive tract issues are due to induced sedentary lifestyle during lockdown and post-lockdown fear of infection.

It has been noted:

With normalcy now restored, the challenges for those who have been in induced conditions due to the pandemic will take long to get their health back to track.

Experts recommend:

  1. Physical activity in terms of walking outdoors must be restored.
  2. Exercise or training must be started with basics as it will take time for the human body to adjust back to the normal system.
  3. Healthy food balance must be consciously defined and these choices must be taken diligently.
  4. To get back to track slow and measured steps will allow for a strong foundation.
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