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IIT-Hyderabad sets up astronomical observatory

An astronomical observatory with a large telescope for the purpose of public outreach has been established at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad. The telescope would be immensely helpful for amateur astronomical observations including planetary systems, stars, nebulae and deep sky objects. It would also provide research-quality images for potential discoveries. It will be helpful in study of celestial objects in greater detail compared to smaller telescopes.

The 14-inch telescope with a focal length of 1,650 mm and an optical mirror of 355 mm is the second largest among the IITs dedicated for the outreach. The largest one is at IIT – Kanpur. Its large mirror size is suitable for a detailed view of the night sky and facilitates study of millions of faint and deep sky objects. It would be supporting astronomical research through recorded data and images at both national as well as international levels. This initiative of IIT-Hyderabad is significantly going to contribute towards the Indian astronomical community. The institution is set to become a well-recognised centre for astronomy in India. Assistant Professor, Mayukh Pahari of the department of Physics would be managing the facility.

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